
See also


The Info object uses notifications to notify observers of changes.


Generic Identification

  • familyName

  • styleName

  • styleMapFamilyName

  • styleMapStyleName

  • versionMajor

  • versionMinor

  • year

Generic Dimensions

  • unitsPerEm

  • descender

  • xHeight

  • capHeight

  • ascender

  • italicAngle

Generic Miscellaneous

  • note

OpenType head Table

  • openTypeHeadCreated

  • openTypeHeadLowestRecPPEM

  • openTypeHeadFlags

OpenType hhea Table

  • openTypeHheaAscender

  • openTypeHheaDescender

  • openTypeHheaLineGap

  • openTypeHheaCaretSlopeRise

  • openTypeHheaCaretSlopeRun

  • openTypeHheaCaretOffset

OpenType name Table

  • openTypeNameDesigner

  • openTypeNameDesignerURL

  • openTypeNameManufacturer

  • openTypeNameManufacturerURL

  • openTypeNameLicense

  • openTypeNameLicenseURL

  • openTypeNameVersion

  • openTypeNameUniqueID

  • openTypeNameDescription

  • openTypeNamePreferredFamilyName

  • openTypeNamePreferredSubfamilyName

  • openTypeNameCompatibleFullName

  • openTypeNameSampleText

  • openTypeNameWWSFamilyName

  • openTypeNameWWSSubfamilyName

OpenType OS/2 Table

  • openTypeOS2WidthClass

  • openTypeOS2WeightClass

  • openTypeOS2Selection

  • openTypeOS2VendorID

  • openTypeOS2Panose

  • openTypeOS2FamilyClass

  • openTypeOS2UnicodeRanges

  • openTypeOS2CodePageRanges

  • openTypeOS2TypoAscender

  • openTypeOS2TypoDescender

  • openTypeOS2TypoLineGap

  • openTypeOS2WinAscent

  • openTypeOS2WinDescent

  • openTypeOS2Type

  • openTypeOS2SubscriptXSize

  • openTypeOS2SubscriptYSize

  • openTypeOS2SubscriptXOffset

  • openTypeOS2SubscriptYOffset

  • openTypeOS2SuperscriptXSize

  • openTypeOS2SuperscriptYSize

  • openTypeOS2SuperscriptXOffset

  • openTypeOS2SuperscriptYOffset

  • openTypeOS2StrikeoutSize

  • openTypeOS2StrikeoutPosition

  • openTypeVheaVertTypoAscender

  • openTypeVheaVertTypoDescender

  • openTypeVheaVertTypoLineGap

  • openTypeVheaCaretSlopeRise

  • openTypeVheaCaretSlopeRun

  • openTypeVheaCaretOffset


  • postscriptFontName

  • postscriptFullName

  • postscriptSlantAngle

  • postscriptUniqueID

  • postscriptUnderlineThickness

  • postscriptUnderlinePosition

  • postscriptIsFixedPitch

  • postscriptBlueValues

  • postscriptOtherBlues

  • postscriptFamilyBlues

  • postscriptFamilyOtherBlues

  • postscriptStemSnapH

  • postscriptStemSnapV

  • postscriptBlueFuzz

  • postscriptBlueShift

  • postscriptBlueScale

  • postscriptForceBold

  • postscriptDefaultWidthX

  • postscriptNominalWidthX

  • postscriptWeightName

  • postscriptDefaultCharacter

  • postscriptWindowsCharacterSet

Macintosh FOND Resource

  • macintoshFONDFamilyID

  • macintoshFONDName


class defcon.Info(font=None, guidelineClass=None)

This object represents info values.

This object posts the following notifications:

  • Info.Changed

  • Info.BeginUndo

  • Info.EndUndo

  • Info.BeginRedo

  • Info.EndRedo

  • Info.ValueChanged

Note: The documentation strings here were automatically generated from the UFO specification.

addObserver(observer, methodName, notification, identifier=None)

Add an observer to this object’s notification dispatcher.

  • observer An object that can be referenced with weakref.

  • methodName A string representing the method to be called when the notification is posted.

  • notification The notification that the observer should be notified of.

  • identifier None or a string identifying the observation. There is no requirement that the string be unique. A reverse domain naming scheme is recommended, but there are no requirements for the structure of the string.

The method that will be called as a result of the action must accept a single notification argument. This will be a object.

This is a convenience method that does the same thing as:

dispatcher = anObject.dispatcher
dispatcher.addObserver(observer=observer, methodName=methodName,
    notification=notification, observable=anObject, identifier=identifier)

Returns a boolean indicating whether the undo manager is able to perform a redo.


Returns a boolean indicating whether the undo manager is able to perform an undo.


Destroy all representations.

destroyRepresentation(name, **kwargs)

Destroy the stored representation for name and **kwargs. If no kwargs are given, any representation with name will be destroyed regardless of the kwargs passed when the representation was created.

property dirty

The dirty state of the object. True if the object has been changed. False if not. Setting this to True will cause the base changed notification to be posted. The object will automatically maintain this attribute and update it as you change the object.

disableNotifications(notification=None, observer=None)

Disable this object’s notifications until told to resume them.

  • notification The specific notification to disable. This is optional. If no notification is given, all notifications will be disabled.

This is a convenience method that does the same thing as:

dispatcher = anObject.dispatcher
    observable=anObject, notification=notification, observer=observer)
property dispatcher

The assigned to the parent of this object.

enableNotifications(notification=None, observer=None)

Enable this object’s notifications.

  • notification The specific notification to enable. This is optional.

This is a convenience method that does the same thing as:

dispatcher = anObject.dispatcher
    observable=anObject, notification=notification, observer=observer)
findObservations(observer=None, notification=None, observable=None, identifier=None)

Find observations of this object matching the given arguments based on the values that were passed during addObserver. A value of None for any of these indicates that all should be considered to match the value. In the case of identifier, strings will be matched using fnmatch.fnmatchcase. The returned value will be a list of dictionaries with this format:


observer=<…> observable=<…> methodName=”…” notification=”…” identifier=”…”



This is a convenience method that does the same thing as:

dispatcher = anObject.dispatcher
    observer=observer, observable=anObject,
    notification=notification, identifier=identifier
property font

The Font that this object belongs to.


Return a dict of data that can be pickled.

getRepresentation(name, **kwargs)

Get a representation. name must be a registered representation name. **kwargs will be passed to the appropriate representation factory.

property guidelines

This is a compatibility attribute for ufoLib. It maps to Font.guidelines.

hasCachedRepresentation(name, **kwargs)

Returns a boolean indicating if a representation for name and **kwargs is cached in the object.

hasObserver(observer, notification)

Returns a boolean indicating is the observer is registered for notification.

This is a convenience method that does the same thing as:

dispatcher = anObject.dispatcher
    notification=notification, observable=anObject)
holdNotifications(notification=None, note=None)

Hold this object’s notifications until told to release them.

  • notification The specific notification to hold. This is optional. If no notification is given, all notifications will be held.

  • note An arbitrary string containing information about why the hold has been requested, the requester, etc. This is used for reference only.

This is a convenience method that does the same thing as:

dispatcher = anObject.dispatcher
    observable=anObject, notification=notification, note=note)
postNotification(notification, data=None)

Post a notification through this object’s notification dispatcher.

  • notification The name of the notification.

  • data Arbitrary data that will be stored in the Notification object.

This is a convenience method that does the same thing as:

dispatcher = anObject.dispatcher
    notification=notification, observable=anObject, data=data)

Perform a redo if possible, or return. If redo is performed, this will post BaseObject.BeginRedo and BaseObject.EndRedo notifications.


Release this object’s held notifications.

  • notification The specific notification to hold. This is optional.

This is a convenience method that does the same thing as:

dispatcher = anObject.dispatcher
    observable=anObject, notification=notification)
removeObserver(observer, notification)

Remove an observer from this object’s notification dispatcher.

  • observer A registered object.

  • notification The notification that the observer was registered to be notified of.

This is a convenience method that does the same thing as:

dispatcher = anObject.dispatcher
    notification=notification, observable=anObject)

Get a list of all representation keys that are currently cached.


Restore state from the provided data-dict.


Perform an undo if possible, or return. If undo is performed, this will post BaseObject.BeginUndo and BaseObject.EndUndo notifications.

property undoManager

The undo manager assigned to this object.